The Army and Navy Shoe Sale
Women line up for hours for ludicrous deals on designer shoes. And some "sub designer" shoes that seem to be made out of cardboard. But I digress.
This sale is a historical right of passage for the Lower Mainland female. My mother went with her mother in the 50s. I am sure HER mother went with her mother before her. My mom and I have never gone together, but that is probably because they don't have Birkenstocks at Army and Navy.
As I work in New Westminster, I went to the New West store for the sale. Upon arrival at 7:50, I noted the 150 women in line, chomping at the bit to get to the shoes. I am sure the downtown store had CRAZY line ups even worse! AAAAAAAAAAAA! Women REALLY need their shoes!
oh dear god.
Luckily, my girlfriend was already in line, so I snuck in with her.
When the doors open, I expected an irrational stampede of women, roaring in like cattle to get to the Michael Kors.
Instead, in typically Canadian fashion, we moved in a leisurely, polite manner down the two flights of stairs to the shoes. No running, no yelling, no pushing. We sauntered, apologized if feet were stepped on, and even offered to hand each other baskets.
I only purchased one pair of shoes, very similar to the ones pictured above but without the bows.
Cultural Cruise only went home with two pairs (she was at downtown). She is holding out for a third pair, same style as one of the others but in a different colour.
I think I may need to go back...they restock all week until there are no more shoes left...I am sensing a size 10 Michael Kors sandal calling my name....
Shoe it up ladies! Shoe it up!
1 comment:
Actually I got 3 pairs and was gonna go for the 4th, but cooler heads have prevailed...and my Michael Kors wedge peep-toe really is too small for me - let's hope my shoe guy can stretch it out...you'll think anything fits when there's a designer name I don't have in my closet yet at stake! And people were snatching shoes left right and centre at the downtown location - it was maddess!!!
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