Yesterday I was driving and channel surfing on the radio and I came upon a new artist I had never encountered. The Fox was playing Cancer Bats, a hardcore/metal band out of Toronto.
In my younger years, I was a bit of a headbanger. Metallica, Nine Inch Nails, Nitzer Ebb and their ilk all were part of a regular rotation on my tape deck (yes, that long ago). I had the hair, I grew up near Drunken Duncan on Vancouver Island. I haven't really gotten rid of my love of metal. My hair may not be as large, and I no longer live near Drunken Duncan, but I have been known to listen to it blasting out of the stereo of our wee Mazda Protege 5. And I bang my head proudly.
The Cancer Bats however did NOT do it for me. My first reaction was one of horror that any band would name themselves the Cancer Bats. Yes, it made me laugh (go on, try saying Cancer'll giggle), then I was horrified at the name-like they were mocking the disease. It's like calling a band the AIDS Badgers or the Diabetes Elves. Its just wrong.
But once I got over the name, and my dislike of it, I listened to them.
Oh the noise.
The loud, screaming, Cancer Batish noise.
It made me upset.
Because it made me feel old...
"This isn't music" I said to myself "Its yelling to loud guitar riffs! My cat could play this!" step...Englebert Humperdinck (can you believe he changed his name to BECOME Englebert Humperdinck?).
I give you the Cancer Bats with their single French Immersion. They are SO a Canadian Band with a single called French Immersion...i do appreciate that...
Back in 1991 I was focused on being terminally hip. I had completed my first year of University, had just started dating someone who I thought was the man of my dreams (we had met when we were 11 and had been flirting for 7 years so I assumed he was the one. Obviously I was wrong as he became a stalker who spouted terms like "I am a lone wolf...we mate for life and you are the one". I evidently was in training to meet THE man of my dreams- a tall, dark handsome French Canadian who I am engaged to-YAY!). I had really big hair and had been accepted into the Acting Fine Arts program at the University, I was 18 going on 19 and I was COOOOL!
My then boyfriend was a music geek (my fiance is one as well...apparently that is a trait that attracts me). Because of him, I was introduced to some great artists through his endless production of mixed tapes for me and I was the lead singer in his band (sadly, this band was the worst in the universe. seriously. the worst.). One of the artists he introduced me to was Meryn Cadell for her FANTASTIC girl anthem... The Sweater
Girls, I know you will understand this and feel the intrinsic incredible emotion You have just pulled over your head the worn, warm sweater belonging to a boy
Feeling nostalgic, I decided to explore the web and see whatever happened to Ms. Cadell.
Meryn Cadell is now teaching song lyrics at UBC and since 2003 has been living as a man and is the happiest he has ever been. GO MERYN GO!
Here is a very recent interview with him in the Torontoist. Apparently I was not the only one wondering "what ever happened to Meryn Cadell?"
A letter to the girls on transit with me this morning...
Dear nubile nitwits,
I understand that you are only 19 years old and have not yet evolved to the point where you realize that you are not the only people that matter on the planet, but your fellow commuters have something to say.
We do not care about your Saturday night.
We do not care about the conversations that you had with Biff, Charla, Stevie and Rezzo at the Plaza.
We do not care that you were "Like so pissed off".
We do, however, want you to learn proper English grammar, because it is evident through the myriad of "likes, beeayches, yaaaaaaaaaaaahs and dudes" that you couldn't put together a coherent sentence if you were forced to at gunpoint. It concerns all of us that both of you are heading to Douglas College (we know this because of the Douglas college emblem on the ass of your sweatpants) to pursue higher education when you sound like Moon Unit Zappa. "Like" is not a word that can be used as a verb, adverb, noun, adjective and expletive depending on your mood.
We do not need to over hear THIS at 188 decibels (which for your edification, is the same decibel level as the launch of a Space Shuttle), which was the level at which you were speaking,
"! And then, like, yah, he was like "I like you" and I was like "dude! I totally don't like you like that. You're Like come on. Don't get like in my face!" And then he was like "Beeyach" and I was like "whatever" and he was like"you!" and I was so like angry and like sad that I was totally like "wah" and like crying, like you know?"
We, your fellow commuters, appreciate that you have not seen each other in a whole 2 days and have not MSN'd in over an hour. ROTFLMAO. We know that you miss each other and just MUCH catch up because SO MUCH has happened!!! We do wish to remind you that the skytrain is quite small and if you yell at each other like you are on opposite shores we all will hear your inanely annoying conversation. Through our headphones. Our headphones that have really loud music playing through them. Really loud music that doesn't seem to block out your voices because of the extremely high pitch. Like a dog whistle. Or nails on a chalkboard.
So, dear sweet ladies, we have one thing to say to you. And we mean this from the bottom of our hearts.
Shut the f*&k up!!!!
Thank you,
The commuters on the 8:05 am skytrain from Edmonds to New Westminster Station.
I have given this book to too many people to count. It makes me cry when someone I love is reading it, so I have to leave the room. Its such a simple and beautiful tale and I love the story as to why Munsch wrote it.
Name a piece of music that changed the way you listen to music:
Goldberg Variations by Glenn Gould. Not one piece per say...but is IT!
THIS is how to play the piano. When I listen and watch him play, I know why I love playing piano, even though I don't do it anywhere near as much as I would like to. I have always admired the way he plays...not only is it perfect, but he is transported by the music. His whole body plays the piano. He was also a bit of a fruit bat, but most geniuses are, aren't they...
Name a film you can watch again and again without fatigue:
This list is extensive because...well...I love re-watching movies-its like they are old friends!
Colm Feore is brilliant in this, which is why he remains one of my favourite actors. A fabulous example of true Canadian Cinema for a true Canadian genius.
I can actually say most of the lines in the movie along with the actors, somewhat like a deranged Monty Python fan ( name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die). I have seen this movie an insane amount of is the ULTIMATE "I feel like crap and I am not leaving this couch even for a house fire" movie.
This movie, more than any other I have seen, is really about true love. About letting go, holding on and that gut wrenching feeling one gets when in love. This is the movie that made me a fan of Alan Rickman and put Juliet Stevenson on my top actress list. I sold shoes to her and I almost fainted I was so excited. It makes me sad that no one knows who she is and that very few people have seen this movie.
Starry Night by Van Gogh. Anything by him really. I think I am attracted to mad genius artists...hmmm...
Name a work of fiction that has penetrated your real life:
Boy's Life by Robert McCammon. I have never been a 12 year old boy, but I am pretty sure if I was, I would have been this kid. This is the only book I have ever read that made me weep at the end, not because it was touching (because seriously, I weep at the drop of a hat), but because it was over and I wouldn't be reading it anymore.
Name a punch line that always makes you laugh:
Mallrats...Brodie, played by Jason Lee, walks directly into a metal beam-totally random.
"Where the hell did that come from? What's going on here?"
It loses something in the translation, but it KILLS me when I see it.
Cultural Cruise (when you return from La La land) and Deep Sioux (assuming THIS will get you blogging again) are tagged!
This weekend the affianced and I cleaned my closet. This is a scary and becoming annual event. It probably should be done monthly, but I think that might kill me.
I am a clothes horse. I am not good at getting rid of clothing that just isn't right any more. The affianced however is BRILLIANT at it and is invaluable in the clothing purging process.
Our system is such:
I sit on the bed and stare at the closet. The affianced pulls out items of clothing and asks a simple "Yes or No?". Based on response, the clothing is placed in a Yes or No pile-yes goes back in the closet, no gets taken to charity. If I say yes and he REALLY hates the item, he raises his eyebrow and I relent and it gets tossed in the no pile. The eyebrow probably works as it makes him look somewhat like my guilty pleasure crush The Rock utilizing the People's Eyebrow. Don't mock me. Watch The Rundown and you will understand. He's also brilliant in Be Cool as a gay actor who sings country music. The movie is not great, but worth it for him.
LOVE the red suit!!!
But I digress.
So...we purge using the tried and true method of "yes, no, eyebrow". We then rapidly take the rejected clothing to the closest donation box so I don't get tempted to go through the box and pull out stuff I regret getting rid of. I then reorganize the remaining clothing into a organized fashion and suddenly I have a BEAUTIFUL closet full of clothing that is lovely, as opposed to something akin to Fibber McGee's closet , which is what I had before.
I hate cleaning...I am bad at it and it makes me cranky. I am NOT an organized person by nature, as I have mentioned before. My fiance is AMAZING at it and he is a god when it comes to cleaning. A nice match I think.
As much as I bitched and complained about doing the clothing purge, I am really happy I did it. I feel refreshed and excited-a new closet beginning so to speak. If only doing the cleaning wasn't so agonizing. And, as I see from Hot Lunch, apparently I was doing it for Chinese New Year. Who knew? I was washing away all of my bad clothing luck in preparation for a New Year. Perhaps involving shopping trips to the H&M in Coquitlam? Of course, that'll refill the closet...sigh...
In honour of Valentine's week, lets LOVE OUR PLANET!
Here are some great links and resources to help you be more responsible, sustainable, Gore-able, and earth friendly!
Alternative Consumer The Alternative Consumer is for the next wave of smart consumers … chic, savvy shoppers who want to integrate more “green” into their shopping lives. Promoting cutting-edge design, progressive initiatives and wise alternatives that stimulate a positive impact on the environment — one purchase at a time! This site is great for those who want to make informed buying decisions, and pursue more responsible, eco-conscious lifestyles.
Ready Made Magazine I love this magazine. All about repurposing those items in your home you just don't know WHAT to do with. One of this month's project is making a coat rack out of wooden hangers. It looks fab and is a great space saver. They provide excellent green resources and really encourage a recycled living attitude. AND encourage you too look hip, fab and stylish while doing it!
Green Communities Canada Green Communities Canada is a national network of community-based non-profit organizations that deliver innovative environmental programs and services, with a focus on household and community action. Green Communities Canada supports member organizations in working together to achieve environmental sustainability, including healthy ecosystems and communities, sustainable resource use, and clean air, water, and soil.
Green Options Green Options provides great tips, tools and options for Greening the Good Life. With a blog, discussion forum, Green Life Guide and all the cool swag you can get your hands on that are green, useful and practical! They are an excellent guide through all the green websites and items that have popped up over the years.
David Suzuki Foundation You can't beat the Doc when it comes to environmental responsibility. This guy ROCKS! This website provides some great tips and tools for being more green in your life. And seriously, if you can EVER go see him speak DO IT! He is a fantastically enigmatic speaker-there is a reason he is in the top ten as the GREATEST CANADIAN (and I still can't believe Don Cherry was on that list...Terry Fox, Tommy Douglas and DON CHERRY? Canadians have some serious hockey issues)!
One Day Vancouver One Day is a web portal about taking small steps to reduce energy use, at home and on the road, to make Vancouver the cleanest, greenest, healthiest city in the world.
HR MacMillan Space Centre Okay...I know what you are thinking. HUH? The Space Centre? Thats right...the Space Centre. The Space Centre is moving in a new direction and is looking at how to better "our space in space". The Sustainable Spring Break Event promises to be very cool...I hear rumours of great prizes!
Enjoy! Explore! And give a little bit o' love to that big old globe we call home!
Sarah Vowell is perhaps best known as the voice of Violet Parr from the Pixar animated film, The Incredibles. In addition to having mad voice over skills, she is a incredibly talented author who has published several books and who is a regular contributer to This American Life on NPR.
Vowell is one odd cookie. She is obsessed with death and US History. So of course she wrote a book about the first three US presidential assassinations-Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley- and the obscure facts surrounding them. She is witty, highly irreverent, and fascinated with the minutiae of history.
I knew I would love the book when I read the first line...
Going to Ford's Theatre to watch the play is like going to Hooters for the food.
Vowell takes readers on a pilgrimage to the sites and monuments that pay homage to Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley, visiting everything from grave sites and simple plaques to places like the National Museum of Health and Medicine, where fragments of Lincoln's skull are on display. She talks about not only the figures involved in the assassinations, but the social and political circumstances that led to each-and in a fabulously entertaining manner. She also drew some fascinating connections between past events and the present, noting similarities between McKinley's war against Cuba and the Philippines and the current war in Iraq. History at its best, most educational, and most twisted.
I am a total trivia nerd and retain useless facts that I can spit out at inappropriate times OR when I play Trivial Pursuit type games. This book was a GOLD MINE for me! Did you know that Robert Todd Lincoln, son of Abe, was present at all THREE assassinations? He was a presidential death hex! OR that he saved the life of Edwin Booth, brother of John Wilkes Booth, the man who assassinated Lincoln? OR (and this is my favourite one) that Garfield's assassin , Charles Guiteau, was an occasional member of The Oneida Society . The Oneida Society practiced communalism-free love. Basically, every man was married to every woman. most adults had continuous sexual access to a partner. Guiteau however "was the one guy in a free love commune who could not get laid." hee hee hee.
Three dead presidents up for Assassination Vacation! I can't wait to read her other books!
A tall fluffy blonde girl running up the street to plug her parking meter.
Its raining, but she usually doesn't mind the rain, but she is wearing red fuzzy heart antlers on her head as it is valentines day and she doesn't want them to wilt.
So, she runs.
She is not wearing appropriate shoes for running uphill. This fact alone is not surprising. She is wearing her fantastic new boots from Hush Puppy that she just LOVES thank you very much, but they are certainly not appropriate for running up hill.
But she runs anyhow.
As she approaches the car, she slips and almost takes a header down the hill on her tuckus. She looks down to see what she has slipped on and discovers...
A discarded used condom.
Next to another discarded used condom.
And an unused condom.
In the middle of the sidewalk.
On Begbie St in New Westminster.
Completely in the middle of the sidewalk at 11:00 am on a Wednesday. AND THEY WEREN'T THERE AT 9:00 am EITHER BECAUSE I WOULD HAVE SLIPPED ON THEM THEN!
So they were fresh.
If I didn't love these boots so much, I would SO burn them!
I used to say that New Westminster is the armpit of British Columbia. I may be wrong with that judgement however. Apparently it may be another body part.
I have never been a HUGE fan of Valentine's day. I used to sit in a dark room and watch Mortal Kombat in honour of it. Until recently, I never had a successful Valentine's day, and the affianced and I don't make a big deal of it. I do like all the chocolate however. I feel sad that V-Day has become a massive day of consumerism and pressure as opposed to celebrating something pure and beautiful.
So something different...
Celebrate today NOT as the Hallmark inflicted holiday that it has become, but as a day of LOVE!! Love of your neighbour, your friend, your grocer, your butcher, your parking attendant...
Today should not be a day just about couples, lovers and mushy hearts and flowers, but a day about friendship and kindness!
Celebrate today as a day to smile at strangers, give a loonie to the homeless guy holding the door open for you, donate five dollars to your favourite charity!
Celebrate today as a day to tell someone...anyone... your friend, your father, your mother, your brother-in-law, your lover...that you love them!
Celebrate today as a reminder of Love...the greatest gift of all!
Its the most Fridayish Friday EVER! I have a cold, I am having a REALLY bad hair day, and I so don't want to work.
So...lets explore that wild and wacky world wide web!
Dance Sister Dance You can star in your OWN Scissor Sisters Video! Add a picture of yourself, choose the outfit and accessories and there you go! OH THE FUN TO BE HAD!!!
Ian's Shoelace Site I really don't understand this. Its an entire site dedicated to tying shoelaces. This confuses me to no end. I thought a shoelace was just a shoelace. I am most concerned. But it gets worse...
Snkr Frkr Magazine Another site dedicated to shoelaces and the sneakers that hold them. The owner of this site interviews sneaker customizers and gives mad shout outs to "Professor Shoelace", whom I have linked to above. I don't understand any of this.
Things My Boyfriend Says The affianced and I want to hang out with this couple. They are eerily similar to us. They may be the pint sized version of us on the other side of the country. I think its the French Canadian male thing-odd perverse senses of humour and fear of spiders. I quote from her site...this conversation could have happened in my home...
me: I think it's funny and cute that I get into bed and put my cold feet on you to warm them up and you frown but you don't say anything. e: That's because I'm busy thinking loudly about hating you
Save the Ta-Tas My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago-and she kicked its ass I am proud to say. Because of this, I have become alarmingly aware of all breast cancer related merchandise and feel the need to purchase it instantly. It is only through sheer power of will and fear that my affianced may kill me if I bring home any more chatckes that I restrain.
I am shocked and appalled that I didn't find these t-shirts sooner. I would have worn one CONSTANTLY during mom's surgery and treatment and at all of her Dragon Boating events (and yes, if you go to the site, you will notice that my mother and all of her boating buddies will be in a feature film. How cool is THAT?). Five percent of EVERY sale goes toward breast cancer research. AND they have shirts for boys too! WOO HOO!
After months of valiant fighting from my immune system soldiers, the tiny little bacterium have submitted to the stronger foe. Scratchy throat, sniffy nose, swollen glands and achy joints have indicated that the battle has been lost.
I have succumbed to the germ monster. I made it through the death flu of December, the plague of November and the snottastic extravaganza that was October. My co-worker works with small children, and she CONSTANTLY brings in new and exciting viruses to expose me to.
I have fought them all and won.
Sinus infections-HA!
Bronchitis-I laugh at you!
But this morning, I woke up the scourge of them all.
The common cold.
I am an AWFUL patient. I have been whining non stop since this morning. Its just a cold...and not even a particularly bad one, but still...WHY ME??? I demand sympathy from all around me.
I am usually a bit of a "boy" when it comes to things like this, to paint the planet with a stereotypical blue brush. If my leg were to be severed, I would proclaim loudly, somewhat like the black knight in Monty Python, "It's just a flesh wound!". Torn calf muscles and ankle surgeries mean NOTHING to me! I got my tonsils removed and did a play two days later. Pain? BAH!
But if I catch a COLD...I don't want to leave the house. I almost asked my fiance to stay home with me today to feed me soup.
This morning, I got caught in the rain. It wasn't a heavy rain, but I had left 3 umbrellas at work(yup...3. Is it any wonder I lose my keys on a regular basis?) and I didn't want to take the remaining one from home. So I got sprinkled on. Thankfully, my hair is up or I would look like the Bride of Frankenstein. (Those of you with straight hair don't understand this concept, but those of us with a curly head of hair know that rain or humidity on un-prepared hair equals frizz city...)
Anyhow, I was being rained on, and I wasn't upset. In fact, I quite enjoyed it.
I love the rain!
I love the way it makes everything smell and look clean, I love the fact that it makes plants happy and shiny. I try not to think about the concept of "acid rain" and what IT is doing to my frizzy hair.
A classmate at University and I used to love going for long walks to local coffee shops in the rain and arriving soaking wet. No umbrellas were EVER used. In fact, it has only been since I have been working in a job where looking put together and not wet is important that I have started taking an umbrella to work. I really enjoy walking in the rain and getting drenched-providing I don't have to be anywhere other than my couch with hot chocolate after.
Sure, there are times, usually when I am driving, that I curse the infernal stuff. But generally, I am quite fond of the rain.
I think in order to survive as a West Coaster, one must develop a healthy respect for, if not a love of rain. After all, we get enough of it.
I am particularly fond of it today because of what it is doing to the streets around where I work.
Its cleaning them.
New Westminster is...well...yucky. Yes, it used to be the capital city of this fair province, and the buildings are beautiful, but in the last few years, New Westminster has plummeted downhill. The streets are nasty, the buildings are drab and the general feel of it is...well...yucky. It even smells bad-lately, Downtown New Westminster has smelled like burnt dust. Yes, I know, that is an oddly specific odour, but that is EXACTLY what it has smelled like!
Now it just smells clean and shiny.
I can see the beauty of the city-the architecture, the beautiful river, the history. No longer does it look like a discarded Kleenex. I can see a hint of its former grandeur, reflected in the shiny streets and sidewalks. I see its potential, what it is struggling to become again.
I like to see myself as a reasonably stylish individual. I know what I look good in, and have my own sense of style-reasonably current with a "soupcon" Curvy may be coming back in style (bless you America Ferrera et al), but I'll be damned if I will wear those freaking skinny jeans or anything else of that ilk. For me, the short-short skirt was something I wore in grade 9 when I wasn't dressed in all black in honour of my lost youth (I had dark moments in grade 9. Most of them because of a tragic hair cut, but I digress).
I am not a huge fan of trends. I am suspicious that many of them are a joke (like the return of legwarmers)
So today, I would like to comment on some of today's fashion choices by people who are slaves to fashion.
I am not talking about movies stars etc. They are blinded by their popularity and assume that they can do whatever they want BECAUSE they are famous. Case in point...the Olsen twins. I am sure they KNOW that they look ridiculous. How can they not?
Ladies-buy a mirror and a eat burger or 80. Do us all a favour.
And take a look at Bridgitte Neilson and Flava Flav...I know its hard... Blinded by their own questionable celebrity, they make questionable choices. I do wish they would stay inside though...
I digress again.
Today I speak of the tragic fashion choices of the general public. People who own mirrors and are not flocked by paparazzi or stylists telling them how to dress.
These people SHOULD know better!
Case and point-this morning.
It was chilly and damp. I was bundled up in a down vest, scarf, a long sleeved shirt, jeans and boots. I was cold. As I was walking briskly up the stairs to the skytrain, I noted I was following a woman who is my age wearing a wispy blouse, some kind of strange contraption that resembled a coat, a short crocheted black skirt (shudder), small pink underwear (yup...the skirt was THAT short and I was walking behind her. I did NOT need to see that), knee highed pink socks (shudder again) and Ugg boots. The ONLY item of winter apparel this woman was wearing was the heinous boots. What was WRONG with her? Who doesn't wear tights or some kind of leg covering in the winter? And UGG BOOTS? WHY??? Whomever decided that UGG boots were a stylish fashion choice needs to be hoisted on their own petard. Immediately. This woman was carrying a briefcase of some kind, so was heading to work I assume, and that work was probably NOT on a street corner, so WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY??? My guess is she saw it in a magazine so assumed it was appropriate outside the pages of Vogue or W. Its not.
On Saturday night, the affianced, one of the bridesmaids (who may be the world's biggest BNL fan) and I went to the Barenaked Ladies concert promoting their new albums "Barenaked Ladies are Me" and "Barenaked Ladies are Men" at GM place.
As expected, a FANTASTIC show
In my humble opinion, the BNL put on one of the best shows out there. I realize that at this present time, Hot Lunch is hyperventilating and screaming... WHAT ABOUT MADONNA??? Fine...I know Madonna puts on a mean show, but for me, the Ladies rock the house.
What's not to love? Humour, FAB Canadian band, good music, and a rap about bald roadies. How fun is that???
One of the best things about this fab show was learning about Barenaked Planet, which is not a place to hang out with naked rock stars as I first suspected (which would TOTALLY rock, especially if Jon Bon Jovi was there. Go on...deny that he's sexy. I dare you.) ANYHOW...Barenaked Planet is the Barenaked Ladies' way of communicating to the general public about environmental and social issues that have become increasingly important to them.
On this tour, the BNL were committed to several different "greening the tour" mechanisms including:
Tour buses are fueled with biodiesel
Offsetting the energy used at each show with wind power
Recycling and using compostable materials backstage
Inviting local and national groups to be a part of Barenaked Planet so that fans at each venue can learn about issues in their area and get engaged
At work the other day, I was discussing with a few coworkers about how people can lessen their environmental impact. The recent report from the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has gotten people talking about what they can do to help prevent climate change, which is great! Their argument was that it costs money to be more responsible (ie recycled paper is more, hybrid vehicles are more etc etc). I'm not so sure about that argument-there are ways to adapt if you are truly serious about making a positive impact that can SAVE you money (ie. Public Transit if accessible)-but to each their own.
In honour of that, I am going post the David Suzuki Foundation's 10 most effective ways to help conserve nature and improve our quality of life. Some of these are SUPER easy and hey...we only have one planet!!!
Reduce home energy by 10%
Eat meat-free meals once a week
Buy a fuel efficient, low-polluting car
Choose an energy efficient home and appliances
Stop using pesticides
Walk, bike or take transit to regular destinations
Prepare your meals with locally produced food
Choose a home close to regular destinations
Support alternatives to the car
Get involved, stay informed
So get out there and GO GREEN! Make the Barenaked Ladies proud!!!!
There are a few auditions on the horizon, and I'm a wee bit nervous.
Its been awhile since I have done an open audition for theatre. The last few productions I have been involved with, I have been cast because the director knew my work and wanted me in the show. All other theatre auditions have been because I have been brought in to audition for a specific role, but the open audition is a whole other animal. The unknown can be exciting, but I am still unusually nervous. I never really feel any nerves with film auditions because it is such a silly process, and half the time I walk in KNOWING I am so wrong for the role and just happy I get to see a new casting director.
I don't have a lot of interest in the shows that I will be auditioning for. I think I am doing the audition more to prove to myself that I can still do this. That I still have "the chops".
More than anything, I think I want to do my own thing. Work with people I know and respect to create something magical. Not necessarily something I have written, but something that is exciting! One of the things I have really missed about acting is the sense of family you get when in a really great show. (I haven't missed the sense of nausea you get from being in a really bad show. And I have been in SEVERAL of those. I even wore a hockey helmet in one. If ANYONE tells you to go see the show far far far away.)
So it looks like I'm going to have to get off my tukkus and look at doing some producing as well. The affianced and I are off to see The Producers when it comes to town. Maybe I'll get some inspiration from that.