As expected, a FANTASTIC show
In my humble opinion, the BNL put on one of the best shows out there. I realize that at this present time, Hot Lunch is hyperventilating and screaming... WHAT ABOUT MADONNA??? Fine...I know Madonna puts on a mean show, but for me, the Ladies rock the house.
What's not to love? Humour, FAB Canadian band, good music, and a rap about bald roadies. How fun is that???
One of the best things about this fab show was learning about Barenaked Planet, which is not a place to hang out with naked rock stars as I first suspected (which would TOTALLY rock, especially if Jon Bon Jovi was there. Go on...deny that he's sexy. I dare you.)

On this tour, the BNL were committed to several different "greening the tour" mechanisms including:
- Tour buses are fueled with biodiesel
- Offsetting the energy used at each show with wind power
- Recycling and using compostable materials backstage
- Inviting local and national groups to be a part of Barenaked Planet so that fans at each venue can learn about issues in their area and get engaged
In honour of that, I am going post the David Suzuki Foundation's 10 most effective ways to help conserve nature and improve our quality of life. Some of these are SUPER easy and hey...we only have one planet!!!
- Reduce home energy by 10%
- Eat meat-free meals once a week
- Buy a fuel efficient, low-polluting car
- Choose an energy efficient home and appliances
- Stop using pesticides
- Walk, bike or take transit to regular destinations
- Prepare your meals with locally produced food
- Choose a home close to regular destinations
- Support alternatives to the car
- Get involved, stay informed
So get out there and GO GREEN! Make the Barenaked Ladies proud!!!!
uhhh...how come I never get invited to these A-list concerts you go to--- totally would have been on board with the ladies -- LOVE THEM! going to have a meat free meal with locally produced products tonight ;-)
Did not know you loved the ladies...you are SO coming to the next one!!!
did they do any cool cover songs like they normally do?
They did a brief homage to Gowan and Ed sang Word Up.
Loves it!
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